About us
​The University of Cincinnati Center for Nondestructive Evaluation (UCNDE) is a world leader in Nondestructive Evaluation and Structural Health Monitoring research. The Center has a strong industry focus and aims to solve real-world engineering challenges by combining fundamental science with technical engineering expertise. The Center is almost unique in its multi-disciplinary approach to NDE & SHM: it has built up expertise and experience in ultrasonics, electromagnetics, imaging, SHM and structural integrity. The university based research center has cutting edge facilities with a very wide of the latest equipment and over 2000 sq ft of lab space. The Center prides itself on combining analytical, computational and experimental research with engineering know-how to raise the technology readiness of solutions towards industry exploitation.

Professor Simonetti joined the University of Cincinnati in 2011 as an Ohio Research Scholar. Prior to joining UC he was an Assistant Professor at Imperial College London. He held a research fellowship from the Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK after completion of his PhD at Imperial. Francesco was a faculty affiliate at Los Alamos National Laboratory and has been serving as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. Prof. Simonetti has published extensively in the fields of flaw detection, structural health monitoring, materials characterization, guided ultrasonic waves, laser ultrasonics, and imaging.

Joseph Corcoran joined the University of Cincinnati as Associate Professor in 2020. He received his MEng and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College, where he maintains an Honorary Lecturer position and is a contributing academic to the UK Research Centre in NDE. His research interests lie in the development of Structural Health Monitoring systems and ‘smart’ structural integrity assessments through the Digital Twin concept. His research covers electromagnetic and ultrasonic methods, analytical and experimental techniques and the development of both hardware and software solutions.

Professor Nagy brought NDE research to the University of Cincinnati when he established the original NDE Laboratory in 1994. Previously, he has served as a Visiting Professor in the UK Research Centre in NDE at Imperial College London, The Ohio State University, served as a Visiting Scientist in the Air Force Research Laboratory. Prof. Nagy specializes in ultrasonic, electromagnetic, and thermoelectric materials characterization and has published about 300 research papers on these subjects. Prof. Nagy is the former Editor-in-Chief of Journal of NDE and received numerous recognitions for his work in NDE, including the 2008 Roy Sharpe Award of the British Institute of NDT and the 2015 SPIE NDE Lifetime Achievement Award.